
About DeeDee


Doortje Schilders’ dream turned into reality with the birth of DeeDee in 1993 and the import of grip seal bags to Europe for the Dutch, German and French market. It didn’t take long before the product range expanded to include more packaging supplies, such as sealers and cable ties. Her personal approach towards the customer, her keen nose for import and the strong will to be innovative lead to a massive growth of the sales volume and the customer database, as well as the entrance to the Multilayer Flexible Packaging market with the introduction of the laminated multilayer pouch.

Doortje’s Daughters

Since January 2015, Doortje’s daughters Elke Coolen and Inge Louwers find themselves at the helm of the company and are continuing Doortje’s Dream as Doortje’s Daughters. Not only do they seek to expand DeeDee’ already impressive source of knowledge, they also guard the company’s culture, which is built on a strong foundation of a family bond’s love, trust and comfort.

DeeDee’s Mission

It is the mission of DeeDee to provide our customers with the perfect pouch, created in close cooperation and with the ultimate fit towards the product and filling process.

Not only does the pouch need to protect your product from outside (harmful) influences, provide the desired look & feel and reduce your carbon footprint, it also has to be compatible with the your filling machine. And of course your additional processing, such as methods for preservation and extension of shelf life.

Often the process of developing the perfect pouch is highly complex and sometimes difficult. But we pride ourselves on having years of valuable experience and extensive know-how to make your unique pouch feasible. Besides that, we are not backing away from a challenge. On the contrary: we love each unique pouching process and we are only happy when you are too!

Choosing a DeeDee pouch means you choose to unburden yourself regarding packaging and filling. We will guide you through the process from idea to a sustainable, shelf-ready product. With a professional smile along the entire way. 

Our showcase

Lasol Car Screenwash | Spout pouch
Spar Chinese Tomato soup | Shaped pouch
HAK Kidney Bean Chili | Stand-up pouch
Kleine Keuken baby food | Stand-up pouch
Spoony soup for children | Shaped pouch

What do we offer our clients

   Pouch professionals with a smile
   We create and deliver the perfect pouch
   Perfect match with product and proces

Our Core Competences

What makes us special

Our expertise is our strength and enables us to provide you with the best possible packaging advice. We have extensive knowledge about multilayer flexible packaging to offer, gained through years of experience.

With our customer service, based on an open and timely communication, cooperation and a personal approach, we will guide you through the process from idea to pouch and constantly strive to achieve a 5 out of 5 stars customer satisfaction.

Our strong will to be innovative leads us to new and exciting laminated pouches, which are not only very appealing to your customers but also provide them with the best product experience possible.

High-quality products for competitive prices, we don’t settle for anything less. That’s why we only cooperate with well-known, highly qualified and certified manufacturers from China and even have our own staff employed there.


Personal customer service


High quality products

Competitive prices

Our own staff in China

What do we offer our clients?

    Pouch professionals with a smile
    We create and deliver the perfect pouch
    Perfect match with product and proces